
Bruce Lee - Finger Pointing to the Moon - 《大佛頂首楞嚴經》《大乘百法明門論》













源自:《大乘百法明門論》- 天親菩薩造





每當我做一件事情,我都要先問間自已,我最終能得到心靈的富足嗎? 如果回答是否定的,我就沒有必要做這件事情。p196






















《在痛苦的世界中盡力而為》- 俞敏洪

(編者:記得佛說過去現在因果經》- 卷二 有兩段話....



即向太子具說 大王摩訶波闍波提及耶輸陀羅憂苦之情。太子 即以深重之聲 而見答言。「我豈不知 父王親戚恩情深耶。但畏 生死 愛別離 苦。爲欲斷除 故來此耳。如是種種 言辭所說。志意堅固 如須彌山 不可移動。捨我而去 如棄草芥。」】


說 「愛染 起 妄情」「渴仰 明 虛想」 - 《首楞嚴經》卷八


    《楞嚴》者,《大 佛頂 如來密因 修正了義 諸菩薩 萬行 首楞嚴 經》卷八 有以下一段經文:



    阿難。內分即是,眾生分 內,因諸 愛染,發起妄情。情積不休,能生愛水。




    阿難。外分即是,眾生分 外,因諸 渴仰,發明虛想。想積不休,能生勝氣。








    情想均等,不飛不墜,生於人間。想明 斯聰。情幽 斯鈍。



    九情一想,下洞火輪,身入風火,二交過地,輕生 有間,重生 無間二種地獄。







    此段先說 ,

  • 一切眾生;(天,仙,人,橫生(畜生),餓鬼,有間(段)地獄,無間(隔)地獄),各道眾生的「妄習」之所生,因源在「妄見」;(看見,聽見,嗅見,嚐見,觸見,還有意見)。
    •  眾生的「妄習」,有內、外分額。
      •  眾生內分 那塊,因為 愛欲 的染(不清不淨),發、妄情」。「妄情」不停不休的累積,生出愛,形成水。「潤濕 不升,自然 從墜」。
      • 眾生外分 那塊,因為 渴望、仰慕,發、虛想」。「虛想」不停不休的累積,生出 勝 氣,「飛動 不沈,自然 超越」。
  • 一切所有的世間(時空),生和死的相續,所謂「生」 隨從著順著「習」。所謂「死」隨變著「流」。
    • 臨命終時,未捨煖觸,一生善惡俱時頓現,死逆、生順,「情、想二習」相交。
      • 一生善惡,臨命終時,俱時頓現時,情習、想習的比例的多少,就趣往引往那一道(天,仙,人,橫生(畜生),餓鬼,有間(段)地獄,無間(隔)地獄)。

    眾 同分 中,情習、想習的比例的多少,兼有元地(源頭,原因)。但此等,皆是 彼諸眾生 「自業」所「感」。與人無猶,與天無猶,與地(獄)無猶,自想,自見,自習,自作。誰敢不信因果?






【常慧法师事迹(闭关、般舟三昧、见佛、遇山神等) - 明续法师讲于新加坡净宗学会】



北溪天然氣管線炸毀 《濁世惡苦第三十五》

        經云:「其二者,世間人民,不順 法度。奢、婬、驕、縱,任心 自恣。居上不明,在位不正。陷人冤枉,損害忠良。心口各異,機偽多端。尊卑中外,更相欺誑。瞋、恚、愚、痴,欲 自厚己,欲 貪多有。利害勝負,結忿 成讐(仇)。」

        ( ---源自:濁世惡苦第三十五《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》)




視頻:「北溪2號被炸 加速推動俄德脫鉤?」

視頻:「籲認真對待普丁的話 梅克爾想恢復俄德結構?」






佛經裡,如是闡釋【六根,如斯接觸 六塵境界】。

眼 見「色」
耳 聞「聲」
鼻 齅「香」
舌 嘗「味」
身 覺「觸」
意 知「法」


「色」,就是 物質 現相 (型態)。
「受想行識」,就是 心理 現相 (狀態)。

最近,在以下兩段 YouTube 視頻看到,黃江南老師講解,現今真實世界有別於「傳統經濟學」的「觀念經濟學」,自己對《心經》的體會又有了更深入一層。




--- 《般若經》

「觀 自在 菩薩,行 深 般若波羅密多 時,
照見 五蘊 皆空,度 一切 苦 厄。」
--- 《般若波羅蜜心經》


參觀 慈山寺

        感謝Johnny Jessica,從每天400個抽籤名額,一個月前,有幸搶到門票,參觀以李嘉誠基金所建造,地處大埔洞梓的 慈山寺,據稱為龍脈潛龍所在。是日為2022年8月12日,農曆七月十五日中元節。





【阿彌陀佛 毗盧遮那佛 藥師佛】









    欲界;地獄、餓鬼、畜生、人、修羅、天(第一重的四王天+向上 五重天)。




    欲界裡,三惡道 和 三善道的人,修羅,和欲界的天,有六層(重),第一層就是四王天。還是在六道之中。)




    修行是 因,當修到能,結到 阿羅漢 果,才能 超越了六道輪迴,不再退回輪轉六道裡去,也就是這批釋迦牟尼佛的真正佛弟子們所追所求的。



    條件有兩個:(一)臨命終時,不驚不怖。(二)不懷疑、不夾雜、不間斷的念誦 阿彌陀佛 名字。和 阿彌陀佛 感應到,命終時,待佛 接引離開這個三世三界,前往 (生到)另一個世界,名 極樂的世界。...
















        古人說過,「信,為 道 源 功德 母,能養一切諸 善 根。」

        德,就是得。功德者,因你長久歷練,因功夫得力,而得的結果也。道者,宇宙人生一切的理論方法。。。信,是 道的 源頭,是 功德 的母體。】




        三千年前,古印度的大智者 天親菩薩,有著簡單、直接、異常明確的解說,一點不含糊。他在
《大乘 百法 明門 論》六類五十二種心所有法中,第三類 「善」法簡單分類的十一之中,「信」排第一。


        同時,在第六類「煩惱」心所有法中,也就是「惡」法中,指出「疑」是我們這些含靈(包括 人)的六種毒,心毒。(六毒者,貪、瞋、癡、慢、「疑」、不正(邪)見)












    有人,包括我自己以前,也不信轉世,投胎(reincarnation)。十年前吧,我被介紹和解說了這本書。。。《Many Lives, Many Master》 by Dr. Brian Weiss,書中描述他的病人是如何親身進入體驗到(reincarnation)。我嘗試留下這段我讀過的紀錄,和往後再閱讀時的思路吧!


    作者 Dr. Brian Weiss 在本書 Preface 中,先講到自己學歷:絕對是美國頂尖學府極「優秀」心理學家,是一位完全「科學」的「科學家」。

    “I was graduated Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude, from Columbia University in New York in 1966. I then went to the Yale University School of Medicine and received myM.D. degree in 1970. Following an internship at the New York University-Bellevue Medical Center, I returned to Yale to complete my residency in psychiatry. Upon completion, I accepted a faculty position at the University of Pittsburgh.

    Two years later, I joined the faculty of the University of Miami, heading the sychopharmacology division. There I achieved national recognition in the fields of biological psy. chiatry and substance abuse.

    After four years at the university, I was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor of Psychia-try at the medical school, and I was appointed Chief of Psychiatry at a large university-affiliated hospital in Miami. By that time, I had already published thirty-seven scientific papers and book chapters in my field.

    Years of disciplined study had trained my mind to think as a scientist and physician, molding me along the narrow paths of conservatism in my profession. I distrusted anything that could not be proved by traditional scientific methods. I was aware of some of the studies in parapsychology that were being conducted at major universities across the country, but they did not hold my attention. It all seemed too farfetched to me."



    (心理學家,心理醫生,因應所治療病人,會以催眠 (hypnotic)的方式,找回病者所留下以往「一生」中烙印所在,讓他們親歷當時的境界,然後使他們再重回現在,試著使之明白,那已經過去,是虛妄的,不復存在。)

    “Then I met Catherine. For eighteen months I used conven-tional methods of therapy to help her overcome her symptoms. When nothing seemed to work, I tried hypnosis. In a series of trance states, Catherine recalled "past-life" memories that proved to be the causative factors of her symptoms. She also was able to act as a conduit for information from highly evolved "spirit entities," and through them she revealed many of the secrets of life and of death. In just a few short months, her symptoms disappeared, and she resumed her life, happierand more at peace than ever before.”


    Dr. Brian Weiss幫助Catherine多次的治療和催眠,一直找到她童年甚至到0歲,也找不到使之恐懼的來源,直到Catherine 自己「突破時間的界線」,卻使Dr. Brian Weiss震驚地經歷三段久遠回憶(1863 B.C., [A.D.] 1756, 1568 B.C. ),這個治療才得到了解決。

    "While hypnotized, Catherine spoke in a slow and deliberate whisper. Because of this, I was able to write down her words verbatim and have quoted Catherine directly. (The ellipses represent pauses in her speech, not deletions of words nor editing on my part. However, some of the material that is repetitious is not included here.)

    Slowly, I took Catherine back to the age of two, but she recalled no significant memories. I instructed her firmly and clearly: "Go back to the time from which your symptoms arise." I was totally unprepared for what came next.

    "I see white steps leading up to a building, a big white building with pillars, open in front. There are no doorways. I'm wearing a long dress ... a sack made of rough material. My hair is braided, long blond hair."

    I was confused. I wasn't sure what was happening. I asked her what the year was, what her name was. "Aronda . . . I am eighteen. I see a marketplace in front of the building. There are baskets. . . You carry the baskets on your shoul-ders. We live in a valley.....There is no water. The year is 1863 B.C. The area is barren, hot, and sandy. There is a well, no rivers. Water comes into the valley from the mountains."

    After she related more topographical details, I told her to go several years ahead in time and to tell me what she saw."


    These were memories of some sort, but from where? My gut reaction was that I had stumbled upon something I knew very little about-reincarnation and past-life memories. It couldn't be, I told myself; my scientifically trained mind re-sisted it. Yet here it was, happening right before my eyes. I couldn't explain it, but I couldn't deny the reality of it either.

    "Go on," I said, a little unnerved but fascinated by what was happening. "Do you remember anything else?" She remembered fragments of two other lifetimes.

    "I have on a dress with black lace, and there is black lace on my head. I have dark hair with gray in it. It's [A.D.] 1756. I am Spanish. My name is Louisa and I'm fifty-six. I'm dancing; others are dancing, too. [Long pause] I'm sick; I have a fever, cold sweats. . .Lots of people are sick; people dying.....The doctors don't know it was from the water." I took her ahead in time. "I recover, but my head still hurt; my eyes and head still hurt from the fever, from the water.....Many die."

    Later she told me that she was a prostitute in that lifetime but she had not relayed that information because she was embarrassed by it. Apparently, while hypnotized, Catherine could censor some of the memories she transmitted back to me.


    Since Catherine had recognized her niece in an ancient life time, I impulsively asked her if I was present in any of her lifetimes. I was curious about my role, if any, in her remembrances. She responded quickly, in contrast to the previou very slow and deliberate recall.

    "You are my teacher, sitting on a ledge. You teach usfrom books. You are old with gray hair. You're wearing a white dress [toga] with gold trim. Your name is Diogenes. You teach us symbols, triangles. You are very wise, but I don't understand. The year is 1568 B.C." (This was approximately twelve-hundred years before the noted Greek Cynic philosopher Diogenes. The name was not an uncommon one.)"



    但是, 還是源自人的權利和慾望,真相的事實被埋藏起來。Dr. Brian Weiss 是在非常艱辛的尋找資料中,才發現當年羅馬帝國的大帝為了統治,將宗教中的轉世部分刪除,以鞏固對其帝國奴隸統治。可悲的是,這西方宗教卻一直延續使用至今甚至擴大更大的版圖,令我們深信沒有來世的這樁事,非常接近經濟學中,劣幣驅逐良幣。

    "During the week I had reviewed my textbook from a comparative religions course taken during my freshman year atColumbia. There were indeed reference s to reincarnation in the Old and the New Testaments. In A.D. 325 the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, along with his mother, Helena, had deleted references to reincarnation contained in the New Testament. The Second Council of Constantinople, meeting in A.D. 553, confirmed this action and declared the concept of reincarnation a heresy. Apparently, they thought this concept would weaken the growing power of the Church by giving humans too much time to seek their salvation. Yet the original references had been there; the early Church fa-thers had accepted the concept of reincarnation. The early Gnostics-Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Saint Jerome, and many others-believed that they had lived before and would

    I, however, had never believed in reincarnation. Actually, I had never really spent much time thinking about it. Although my earlier religious training taught about some kind of vague existence of the "soul" after death, I was not convinced about this concept.”


    Dr. Brian Weiss 開始蒐集「科學」「文獻」,發現確實是有「科學家」對上千的孩童做過轉世追蹤(reincarnation)的研究紀錄,但可惜這些都是不能成主流研究的偏門文獻。

    "With a new insatiable hunger for any scientific papers that had been published on reincarnation, I hunted through the medical libraries. I studied the works of Ian Stevenson, M.D., a well-respected Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia, who has published extensively in the psychiatric literature. Dr. Stevenson has collected over two thousand examples of children with reincarnation-type memories and experiences. Many exhibited xenoglossy, the ability to speak a foreign language to which they were never exposed. His case reports are carefully complete, well-researched, and truly re-markable.

    I read an excellent scientific overview by Edgar Mitchell. With great interest I examined the ESP data from Duke University, and the writings of Professor C. J. Ducasse of Brown University, and I intently analyzed the studies of Dr.Martin Ebon, Dr. Helen Wambach, Dr. Gertrude Schmeidler, Dr. Frederick Lenz, and Dr. Edith Fiore. The more I read, the more I wanted to read. I began to realize that even though I had considered myself well educated about every dimension of the mind, my education had been very limited. There are libraries filled with this research and literature, and few people know about it. Much of this research was conducted, verified, and replicated by reputable clinicians and scientists. Could they all be mistaken or deceived? The evidence seemed to be overwhelmingly supportive, yet I still doubted. Overwhelming or not, I found it difficult to believe. "



    "We live inland, not near the sea. County ....Brennington? I see a farm with pigs and lambs. This is our farm." She had gone ahead in time. "We have two boys. The older is getting married. I can see the ... a very church steeple old stone building."

    Suddenly her head hurt, and Catherine was in pain, clutching her left temple area. She reported that she had fallen on the stone steps, but she recovered. She died of old age, in her bed at home with her family around.

    She again floated out of her body after her death, but this time she was not perplexed or confused.

    "I am aware of a bright light. It's wonderful; you get energy from this light." She was resting, after death, in between lifetimes. Minutes passed in silence. Suddenly she spoke, but not in the slow whisper she had always used reviously. Her voice was now husky and loud, without hesitation.

    "Our task is to learn, to become God-like through knowledge. We know so little. You are here to be my teacher. I have so much to learn. By knowledge we approach God, and then we can rest. Then we come back to teach and help others."

    I was speechless. Here was a lesson from after her death, from the in-between state. What was the source of this material? This did not sound at all like Catherine. She had never spoken like this, using these words, this phraseology. Even the tone of her voice was totally different.

    At that moment I did not realize that although Catherine had uttered the words, she had not originated the thoughts. She was relaying what was being said to her. She later identi-fied the Masters, highly evolved souls not presently in body, as the source. They could speak to me through her. Not only could Catherine be regressed to past lifetimes, but now she could channel knowledge from the beyond. Beautiful knowledge. I struggled to retain my objectivity.

    A new dimension had been introduced. Catherine had never read the studies of Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross or Dr. Raymond Moody, who have both written about near-death experiences. She had never heard of the 'Tibetan Book of the Dead'. Yet she was relating similar experiences to those described in these writings. This was a proof of sorts. If only there were more facts, more tangible details I could verify. My skepticism fluctuated, yet remained. Maybe she had read about near-death research in a magazine article or had seen an interview on a television show. Although she denied any conscious emembrance of such an article or show, perhaps she retained a ubconscious memory. But she went beyond these previous writings and transmitted a message back from this in-between state. If only I had more facts.

    After she awakened, Catherine remembered the details of her past lives, as always. However, she could not remember anything that happened after her death as Elizabeth. In the future she would never remember any details of the inbetween states. She could remember the lifetimes.

    "By knowledge we approach God." We were on our way.


    但這書本裡只提及到過去?可是回想,說的人Catherine 卻是現代人,那就是過去那段回憶中人的未來。

    這還是令自己想起......《無量壽經》佛所說:「不知生所從來,死所趣向。不仁 不順。悕望長生。慈心教誨 而不肯信。苦口與語 無益其人。心中閉塞 意 不開解。大命將終 悔、懼交至。不豫修善 臨時乃悔。悔之於後 將何及乎。」